About Missions
We believe the life of a disciple is meant to be lived on Mission with God.
At North Atlanta, we partner with God to bring His Kingdom to earth in our homes, our community, our city, and our world.
Missional Locations
We believe that God’s mission is being carried out all over the world. That means that we, as a church family are on mission right here in our community.
Four times each week, Sasha Prokopchuk presents an evangelistic television program titled Inspiration on a Ukrainian national television network. He encourages viewers to start Bible studies with their friends and neighbors, and he asks viewers to call or write to begin correspondence Bible studies. Sasha, his wife Vika, and staff members at the Response Center office in Kyiv answer each call, letter, and email and send a series of study guides designed to lead people through the Bible. More than 40,000 people have engaged in these correspondence courses, and hundreds have started house churches or Bible studies with friends and neighbors.
The Prokopchuks also host annual seminars, which augment the TV and correspondence ministry. Hundreds of new and more experienced Christians attend the Spiritual Growth Seminar each fall. Each spring, a smaller group of new church leaders gather for a Church Leadership Seminar.
Since 2000, North Atlanta has partnered with Mission Ukraine and EEM to provide financial and spiritual support for this ministry to the people of Ukraine.
The Light of Jesus Church in Almaty, Kazakhstan is a dynamic ministry bringing many people to Christ and creating strong relationships despite a challenging social and political environment. A leadership team of two Russian missionaries and three local residents direct ministries including church fellowship, evangelistic outreach, youth ministry, prison ministry, and a foster-care network.
North Atlanta has partnered in this work since 1998 by sending youth and adult workers on short and medium-term trips, collaborating with The ScreamFree Institute and other organizations to provide special training, providing working funds for the church ministry, and sending funds from our annual One Heart contributions.
Right Steps is a holistic Christian mission designed to be a human-rescue organization on both the physical and spiritual levels. The ministry’s objectives include establishing and growing a viable Christian community in the area surrounding Obuzor and Asa in the state of Abia, Nigeria. Right Steps also focuses on assisting women and children who find themselves widowed, orphaned, rejected from family, or otherwise in a life-threatening state.
Right Steps’ ministries include Susana Homes, a residential facility that receives motherless, orphaned, disabled, and/or destitute children from birth to teens. In addition, Right Steps administers a Christian school, a medical clinic, a food pantry/widows program, an independent-living/emancipation effort for young adults who have grown up in the facility, as well as other benevolent and educational programs for residents and the surrounding community. Right Steps’ agricultural programs combine crop and animal production and promote self sustenance as well as skills acquisition for the many recipients of the services of this ministry.
Since 1999, North Atlanta has partnered with Right Steps and its founder/director, Dr. Chi Ekwenye Hendricks, in this ministry, providing short-term mission workers, spiritual support, and financial support.
North Atlanta has been invested in missional communities in Sarnia, Ontario since 2010. Annual youth mission trips to a neighborhood on Kathleen Avenue led to commitments from North Atlanta missionaries, who were shepherds to the community of faith and Love First ambassadors in the city. Several from this community have made faith commitments through baptism, and the Mission of God has been stirred in the hearts of those in both Sarnia and Atlanta.
North Atlanta continues to partner with local organizations in Sarnia, which provide outreach and support within neighborhoods there. Support groups have been established through these collaborations for infants, youth, and adults, with a variety of activities and events planned throughout the year.