Easter Sunday
Make plans to join us on Easter Sunday at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center for a special time of worship as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together!
Then, we invite families with children to stick around for our North Atlanta Children’s Ministry Easter Egg Hunt at 11:45 am!
Bible Classes will not meet on Easter Sunday.

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet on Sunday, May 25th. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet on Sunday, January 5th. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

No In-Person Worship Today
We will not meet in person for worship or Bible Classes on Sunday, December 29th, but please join us online at live.nacofc.org for a special time of worship and a message from Don McLaughlin.

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet on Sunday, December 22nd. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet on Sunday, November 24th. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet on Sunday, September 1st. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet this Sunday, July 7th. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

No Bible Classes Today
Bible Classes will not meet this Sunday, May 26th. Please join us for worship at 10:30 am in the FEC Youth Center or online at live.nacofc.org!

Young Families Family Worship Night
Please join NAYFM and the Recovery Ministry for a time of worship, fellowship and ice cream!
We will meet on the soccer field next to The Family Enrichment Center on July 13 from 7-8pm

A wedding shower for Kelsey Taylor and Dillion Bagwell will be held Sunday, May 23 from 1:00 - 2:20 PM at our covered parking lot. They are registered for Bed, Bath & Beyond gift cards, Target gift cards, Amazon gift cards, or money gift cards.

Drive-Thru Wedding Shower (Co-ed) for Lara Chilcoat and Justin Blackwell
A drive-thru wedding shower for Lara Chilcoat and Justin Blackwell will be held Sunday, March 21, from 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the covered parking lot area. Lara and Justin are registered at Target and Amazon.

Movement Retreat
Women's and Men's Retreats
The Movement Retreat is back on August 24! Like last year, lunch will be provided, childcare will be provided and all the speakers are from the North Atlanta family. Sign up here at nacofc.org/movement. The cost is $25 per person. We hope you will attend this year! Check out a recap video of what we experienced together last year by clicking here.